
A Big Scare!

Monday I was out in the front yard trimming back some of our bushes.  I was trimming the bush right by our front door.  I started at the top and just wanted to round it out a bit.  All of a sudden I heard the leaves rustling BUT I wasn't touching the bush and Drew was getting something out of the garage.  I saw a big brown thing fly out from under the bush...I screamed and watched a DUCK scurry off to the back of the house where the pond is.
I thought that was strange, but I got down on my knees to investigate under the bush and look what I found...

8 EGGS!!  And, YES, momma duck did come back.  I saw her the next day.

When I was telling Trent and Mike what had happened, Trent told me the same thing happened when he went to retrieve a baseball that he and Mike were playing catch with.  The funny thing was that Mike had just teased him about not letting a snake "get him" when he reached down and under to get the ball back.  So, needless to say, Trent got quite a scare, as did the poor duck I guess!  But they apparently forgot to warn tell me.


Spring Break

Many of you know that we shipped the kids up to grandma's over spring break.  Mike and I (without interruption - moms you know what I mean) painted the living room, hall, and kitchen.  We've lived here for six years and so I was ready for a splash of color on the formerly plain walls.  I had the pleasure of climbing up on the plank to reach the walls up to the vaulted ceiling.  We did tan/chocolate in the living and hall and a blue in the kitchen...here is a quick peek.


I Cackled at this Gaggle!!!

I was surprised this morning when I looked out the window!


The pond has frozen over - though I'm sure not very thick since it was not frozen yesterday.  But this morning the geese were STROLLING over to the bank.



Grr....I just lost my original post...

Here we go again...

Trent has been asking Mike to "go" fishing. So last night, we took advantage of the pond in our backyard and really had fun!! This is what Trent scored on the first cast...a big catfish! (Scroll down to see how "big" Trent was showing me it was.) Mike had quite the time trying to get the hook out. I offered to gracefully jog up the lawn to the house where I took in a deep breath completely wishing that I was not so out of shape or out of breath from ALL the exertion ran back up to the house to get the needle nose pliers, but to no avail...the line broke and the fish swam off. I saw nothing "floating" out there this morning, so it must have been alright. I still feel bad though. Mike told me not to worry because the hook will eventually work it's way out. (I guess humans pierce their lips, cheeks, noses, and eyebrows for fun, so this fish can just start the trend for our backyard pond.)

It was so nice out last night. We enjoyed being outside together...I stayed out a few extra minutes - while Mike got pj's on the boys - to take some pictures looking out at our backyard...so peaceful!!

I love these leaves. This Canadian Choke Cherry tree was planted right after Drew was born.


Great day...

I picked up some real fish food (we usually just use bread) at Walmart the other day and the boys were so excited that it looked like the food we get at the zoo to feed the catfish. We spent time out in the sun, the boys skipped rocks on the pond, and played on the swing set.

Drew was showing me another rock he found for his "coewection." The pile in my garage, however, is beginning to get rather large, hummm...

Trent was rollin' around in the grass. We are loving this weather!



This is just one of the beautiful sunsets we've enjoyed while eating dinner in our dining room. The beauty of nature makes it easy to talk to our boys about the awesomeness of God's creation. Talking of and living out our relationship with Christ, in front of our kids, can be an overwhelming task at times. I'm thankful for the "small" opportunities God gives us to instill truth into the hearts of our children. I wonder how many teachable moments I have just let pass me by. Yet, I'm thankful that tomorrow is a new day. I love the reminder I get from each sunset that His mercies are new every morning. I can't help but think about our son Noah and what he must be experiencing right at this very moment. This sunset reminds me of the majesty and creativity of our Creator, and I am thankful as a stand in awe. I wonder what "pictures" God has shown my Noah...the majesty and glory of God must be truly incredible. This picture doesn't do it justice, but it wets my appetite, and I look forward-with joy-to be in the presence of God.

Psalm 145:3 -7 "Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts. I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, And on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, And I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, And shall sing of Your righteousness."


Love the Dollar Store!

I took the boys to the dollar store last week to get some batteries and left with 2 more things. I've actually been looking for a "bug kit" for several months, but haven't found anything that I thought was worth the asking price. But, for a dollar, I couldn't pass these up! Yesterday the boys wanted to go hunt for bugs, so out came the not so "natural habitat" and they began picking handfulls of grass, added a token piece of wood from the mulch, and began digging around for rolly-polly bugs. (**Note**We were at the zoo with friends last week and we were visiting the orangutans and Drew (3yrs) told us that their cage was like their natural habitat. I was a bit surprised that he used that word and even more impressed that he used it correctly! I asked him how he learned about that word. "It was just from Zula Patrol, mom. It's a cartoon about science," he explained. My mom friend and I had a good laugh about that one. Kudos PBS!)