

Well, our costume choices were EASY this year.  The boys wanted to be the same thing as last year.
So, again, Drew was spiderman...although this year he actually wore the face mask! Progress!  Trent dressed up as his father's favoirte team and his mother actually let is happen...again...what?  GO BUCKEYES!!

Here's the familiar duo... from October 2008.



The boys and I went out to rake the few leaves that fell into our yard from our neighbors tree...

The boys really wanted to jump in them...unfortunately we had to settle for this...
When they got bored, they both headed in to change into their "basketball clothes."  I laughed so hard when they came outside!!...Just take it all in...I guess they expected their feet to get cold...But I love the cape!


What time is it?

Hammer Time...no, no, no!
J/K I know that's so lame.


Trent had his first soccer game of the season this last Saturday. He was excited they won! He stayed with most of his team and coaches from last year, so that has been great! I couldn't believe how much each boy has grown, they all look so big out there on the field. Trent played great! Here are a few of my favorites.



Grr....I just lost my original post...

Here we go again...

Trent has been asking Mike to "go" fishing. So last night, we took advantage of the pond in our backyard and really had fun!! This is what Trent scored on the first cast...a big catfish! (Scroll down to see how "big" Trent was showing me it was.) Mike had quite the time trying to get the hook out. I offered to gracefully jog up the lawn to the house where I took in a deep breath completely wishing that I was not so out of shape or out of breath from ALL the exertion ran back up to the house to get the needle nose pliers, but to no avail...the line broke and the fish swam off. I saw nothing "floating" out there this morning, so it must have been alright. I still feel bad though. Mike told me not to worry because the hook will eventually work it's way out. (I guess humans pierce their lips, cheeks, noses, and eyebrows for fun, so this fish can just start the trend for our backyard pond.)

It was so nice out last night. We enjoyed being outside together...I stayed out a few extra minutes - while Mike got pj's on the boys - to take some pictures looking out at our backyard...so peaceful!!

I love these leaves. This Canadian Choke Cherry tree was planted right after Drew was born.


My mom and brother joined us at the pool a couple weeks ago when they were up for the memorial service. We had a great time enjoying the sun, heat, and of course the water. The boys could hardly wait to get there and I heard about it all morning! Trent had fun as he was catapulted into the air...thankfully no belly flops ensued! And Drew...he's just too cute!! He was so happy to be a part of all the action in the big pool, I heard no complaints about wearing a life jacket.


Back to School

Trent has been back in school a week now. He seems to really be enjoying 1st grade. Here are a few memorable pics from the first day of school...his class was actually on the front page of the local newspaper. The article was written about the students going back to school at their brand new school "on time" as there was a carpenters strike this summer that halted the progress. I've been enjoying a few extra minutes to sleep in...Trent's bus picks him up 10 minutes before school starts. (Last year the bus came 20 minutes earlier) Drew has done well too. He plays well on his own. He has built some really neat Lego cars, boats, and planes. Drew and I also went to story time at the library this week. It has been fun to have some time together - just the two of us!
I guess they think they are rockstars!? They were very excited!


End of the Season...

I started this post before we left for the holiday, but I couldn't get the photos to uplaod...I'll try again...

Here are a few pictures of the boy's last games of the summer...it's been fun and the boys have sure enjoyed playing on a team. They have been learning a lot and we have so enjoyed watching the process!
Here are a few candids from his "boring" time in the outfield...

Drew enjoyed his season of soccer too! His highlight was scoring a few goals, but his favorite position was goalie.


Kindergarten Grad

I just wanted to post a few pictures. We are so excited for our first born. Trent has done so well this year...I really can't believe it's over! It went so fast, I can only imagine each year getting faster and faster.

Here is a glimpse of his first day...and his graduation day...has he changed a little (I mean other than getting smarter...it's so fun to hear him read)?


Doctor visit

Yesterday I took my boys with me to see the doctor. They mostly enjoyed the train table out in the waiting room, but did get a peek at their little sister and her heart on the u/s screen. They were well behaved and the doctor said, "Thanks for being so polite boys" as he left the room. A mother always loves to hear that!
Almost every time Mike and I go in, the doctor asks how many kids we have at home - and comments about how he's glad we have 2 healthy ones at home. Yes, we are too, but they can't replace Noah or this little girl we've been looking forward to having for so long. He just doesn't quite get it, but I know he's trying. He sees plenty of women who try an try and still have empty arms. He commented on how this affects ones faith. He thinks it might be different (our attitude, our faith) if we didn't have two boys already. All I know, what I choose to believe is that no matter what God is in control, His is faithful, and He is good.

The doctor said fluid is still accumulating, but calculated her heart rate at 60bpm a little faster than where it's been at 50. I asked, "So, what are you thinking?" He replied, "I'm not in that business anymore. I've been wrong the last to weeks, so I'll just plan to see you back in another week." I'll go back in again Wednesday.

**I couldn't resist putting up some pics of my boys from Trent's first baseball game last night. He did super. He had two catches and hit the ball each at bat:) It looked like he had a lot of fun. He played against 2 other boys from church, so it was fun to see them all out there playing together.

Drew, on the other hand, had fun gathering "porcupines." (he really was proud of his pile of pine cones!)