
...buy me some PEANUTS and cracker jacks...

Mike and I took Trent to his first Tigers game at Comerica Park. It was our special outing one-on-one before school begins. Trent really had fun , well except for the car ride. Drew stayed overnight with some friends, and he had a blast too. When we got to our seats Trent told us he was SO hungry, but really just couldn't wait to get some peanuts. He was content with that snack the whole game. When I buckled him in the car to go home, he said, "Thanks for taking me to a Tigers game. So, we can come again next year?"

Proof I was there too. The photographer always gets the shaft.
Excited or what?

After the game we got to walk on the field and Trent ran the bases. It was definately a highlight. He's rounding second base with Mike following behind wearing #28.

Walking back to the car swinging his new bat.


In Memory

My friend Jen and I have the privilege of speaking together at a banquet. I just got a copy of the invitation. Now, I have to get busy preparing. I'm excited about all the opportunities God has given me to share of Noah's impact on my life. I hope that those who are there will be impacted by the value and preciousness of human life. I would covet your prayers as I prepare, my nerves as I speak, and for the event itself to be God honoring.

Summer fun...

Enjoy some highlights of this summer so far.

After an exciting win.
What a throw!

Cheesing on the swing.

His birthday present.
Just after the wedding. What a handsome ring bearer!

Fun at the park.
Feeding the goats at the zoo.

In the Beginning

Well I've finally done it! I've been thinking about setting a blog up for a while and I think it will be great for friends and family to check in and see what's happening in our crazy life. We are just around the corner of some great milestones, Trent going to kindergarten for one, so stay tuned and I'll post more soon!