
Mad Ants Clinic

As partners of the Y-Ball league, the Mad Ants (NBA D-League) offered a free clinic for the kids.  Our boys had loads of fun!  The kids were separated by age and then they rotated to different stations lead by one of the Mad Ants players.
Rod Wilmont lead the shooting station.
The coach helped with the ball handling.
Practicing lay-ups.  Trent scored...just in case you were wondering :)
I got a kick out of the pants tucked into the socks showing off these Chuckies!

A spur-of-the-moment shot...to bad the camera woman didn't quite capture the moment.  Drew's lookin' away and Trent's looking out from behind the lovely ant's antena.  Oh well!


It will be fun to go to the game this weekend and see the players we met.

New do...dew...du...

I decided to finally get my hair cut...I knew it had been since before Joanna was born.  So at least 8 months ago.  I don't think my hair had been that long since I was in college!  I'll be glad to get rid of the headaches when I put it up in a ponytail, though.  I don't think it will even go into a ponytail now.  Here is a quick before and after.  It's definately different, but a change is good every now and then.



No school for 2 days in a row...the boys took advantage and spent some time out in the snow.
Trent built this high wall.
Drew's hadiwork!

A lil' bit o' Christmas

(The new football jerseys!)
Didn't want to pass up on a couple cute pics of my boys from Christmas.  I know it's long overdue!  I've gotten really behind at posting, life just gets too busy somedays.  We had Christmas with my mom and brothers at our house and then headed to Michigan for Christmas day.  My dad also came over to spend a short day with us.  We were actually home for New Years - first time in 5 years!  We even had an extra little guy with us.  We watched our friends son so they could help chaperone our churches jr. high retreat.  Our boys just loved having him follow them around!

(with Grandma!)
(The grandkids + a few significant others = 29)
(Ringin' in the new year...2010...in case you didn't get the hand gestures.)
(Drew playing cars with our guest...they played cars alot!)
(Trent gave great sled rides!)


Last weekend we braved the elements and traveled to Ohio.  We spent some time with my mom, brothers and dad.  It was alumni weekend and so we got to have a special dinner, go to the basketball game, and we even got a free "gold rush" t-shirt.  GO JACKETS!  The boys had fun at the game and we've already discussed the new moves they want to try out at their next game.  Drew asked Mike, "Dad, can I do a fake on little kids?"  He's shown us several times exactly how it should play out as he goes up to fake a basket.
We even had some time to put a puzzle together...Trent's a pretty good helper!!
Friday night we went up to the Field House.  The boys shot some hoops while my mom and I walked the track.  The boys REALLY needed to get out some energy, and we had a great time doing it...and I didn't feel so guilty eating a bazooki (cookie & ice cream dessert) when we got home.

Here we are with the new and improved Yellow Jacket. 
There were tatoos (of the old mascot though) on every table and Drew put this one on all by himself!  He ventured to the bathroom and came back with a "bee" on his forehead.

Here's a pic I found from just one year ago.  Boy, they've both grown up a bit, huh!



Trent & Drew have been playing b-ball at the Y.  It has been loads of fun to watch them learn and play and SCORE!  Here are a few pics from the last few weeks.

Tooth Fairy...

Trent lost both of his front teeth within a week.  His first tooth came out at school with a little help from the school nurse.  She put it in a little treasure box for safe keeping.  After getting off the bus, Trent realized he must have left/lost his tooth at school.  In passing, trying to reassure Trent all would be fine, I said he could just write a note to the Tooth Fairy.
Fast forward to bedtime...I was tucking Trent in and he pulled something out from under his pillow. The note was SO SWEET! He did it all by himself! I read it, tried hard not to laugh, and ran out to the living room to show Mike.  The sticker attached to the bottom of his note was the one he got from the nurse and proudly wore all day.

The next morning as I was packing his lunch, I found the treasure box in his lunch bag.  He had not yet looked to see if the tooth fairy stopped during the night and so I snuck in and put the tooth under his pillow too.  When I asked Trent if he had looked under his pillow, he was SO shocked to see what was there with his money.  He said, "How did she find it?  She must have searched and searched all over ____ Elementary!  How did she know to bring it to my house?"  He was so excited.  Can't wait to laugh about that with him in a few years!
The other tooth came out after much convincing to let me JUST wiggle it.  I promised that was all I was going to do.  As I wiggled it forward, barely touching it-I might add, it just fell right out on my finger.  What a relief, I was getting really tired of hearing how it "hurt" when he ate anything.

I just LOVE this TOOTHLESS grin!