

This little video is the last of the 3 stike outs Trent had IN A ROW this week.  Dad had to pay up and stop at the gas station on the way home to get 'T' some sunflower seeds!  I guess it was just enough of an incentive...Trent rose to the challenge and made it happen :) (or I guess some would say he was lucky)  Whatever the case, it was fun to see!


Feelin' Crafty

A few weeks ago I came across this post at Little Birdie Secrets.  It looked like a quick and easy project for me to do for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It was something to keep my hands busy while the boys were at school and ached to be caring for Emilie. It also gave me a good excuse to procrastinate on doing some housework.  Here is what my finished bookmarks looked like.

Some of you may remember what I made at the end of last school year for Trent's teacher.  If your looking for another idea, try this.  The "crayon initial shadowbox" was a big hit, Trent's teacher hung it by her desk and likes to tell me about all the comments she receives on it.  Do you have any favorite homemade teacher gifts?






BASEBALL is in FULL SWING for Trent.  Drew starts later this week!


Mother's Day

We traveled up to Michigan to spend the weekend with Mike's mom.  A bittersweet day for me...wish I could hug and squeeze all 5 of my kiddos.  Thankful, still, for the blessing of being a mom.  Hopfully I can do as good of a job as both our moms did for us!  Love you, Mom!
Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day
With little time to stop and pray
For life's been anything but calm
Since You called on me to be a mom
Running errands, matching socks
Building dreams with building blocks
Cooking, cleaning, and finding shoes
And other stuff that children lose
Fitting lids on bottled bugs
Wiping tears and giving hugs
A stack of last weeks mail to read
So where's the quiet time I need?
Yet when I steal a minute, Lord
Just at the sink or ironing board
To ask the blessings of Your grace
I see then, in my small one's face
That you have blessed me
All the while
And I stop to kiss
That precious smile 

Mother's Day Gift

Had to share some of the cute quotes from Drew's mother's day project  So sweet!
These were sentences started by Drew's teacher and he had to fill in the blank...

"I make my mom happy by...giving her things I make."
"My mom takes care of me by...feeding and taking care of me."
"If I could, I would buy my mom...a big jewel - as big as me!"
"The most special times with my mom are...when we go out to lunch together."
"My mom always says...Drewvy, Drewvy, Drewvy." (yes, usually shaking my head as I say it!)
"My mom cooks the best...egg sandwiches."
"My mom really loves...me and Trent."
"My mom and I like to...go to Tokens-n-Tickets."
"My mom's favorite clothes to wear are...pink shirts."
"My mom is beautiful because she...loves me and she loves my brother."


for rainy afternoons to watch Drew "work."  What a sweet little artist!


How to Pray for Grieving Parents

Many of you have asked specifically how you can pray for us...so I put a list together.  I hope this gives you some ideas.  We are so THANKFUL for your prayers!!  We know that God is pouring out His grace on our family.  He is kind and generous to meet our every need - and then some!  Thank you for helping to carry our burdens, and sit and get dirty with us in these ashes!
A friend shared a list of what she is praying for us…
  • That God would be our refuge. (unshakable trust) Ps 11:1
  • That God’s love and presence surround us day and night. Rom 8:38-39
  • That God’s strength would help us through the grieving process. Ps 27:13-14, 29:11
  • That we will accept God’s wisdom, knowledge, judgments (decisions), and ways rather than ask “why.” Rom 11:33, Prov. 3:5-6, Is. 55:8-9 (That I wouldn’t obsess with the “what if’s.” The doctors could find NO medical reason as to why Emilie died; she was perfect in every way. This is hard to understand, but I must accept the mystery and trust that God knew the exact number of her days, that He is still on “plan A”, and no matter what I think I could have done to change the outcome – this was no mistake.)
  • That we will not doubt God’s goodness or faithfulness. Rom. 8:28-29
  • That guilt and depression will not overtake us. Phil 4:8
  • That our marriage will be strengthened as we grieve uniquely. That we’d give each other the freedom to grieve differently. That communication will remain open and honest.
  • That they will balance grief with their responsibilities as parents. (purposeful and consistent in love and discipline)
  • For mom’s physical health - recovery from giving birth and restful sleep.
  • That our boys would be protected during this confusing time as mom and dad grieve, and that they might have a sense of normalcy and security.
  • That, in time, relationships with other moms (especially those who have daughters) be restored.
Some other things I thought of to pray for…

• That we would not feel alone, but sense God’s presence, and lean on the Holy Spirit as our Helper and Comforter and Truth.

• That we would experience His peace like never before, and grace sufficient for each day/minute.

• That the Lord would guard our hearts from words that hurt instead of comfort.

• For wisdom to discern “what to do next” and know “where to go from here.”

• That we could begin to see His plan…a mere glimpse of the purpose of our pain…for the third time.

• That we choose to be gracious and kind to each other instead of justifying criticism and frustration when we are hurting and sad.

• That we’ll be honest with our emotions and won’t be afraid to cry. (I wish I could just jump to the other side of the grief – been there done that, after all – but we must go THROUGH it. The process can be daunting.)

• That we would not waiver in our trust, hope, or joy in our sovereign Heavenly Father, nor would we lose our praise even through the tears.

• Even though life goes on (much more quickly for everyone else) that we know/trust God is with us right where we are. Remembering that He hears our cry and sees our tears.

• That we’d always be mindful of the hope of heaven. That we’d be eternally focused and not be comfortable to get caught up in the “stuff” of this world.

• That our family will overcome the spiritual battles; that Satan would fail in his plans to harm us because we continue (through His strength) to cling to Christ.

• That through our loss, because of our children Noah, Joanna, and Emilie, people will see the need for a personal relationship with God.

• That in time we can comfort others with the comfort that we received.

• That we would not hold tight fisted “our” children or “our” things. That we see them as gifts entrusted to our care for the time being.